The history of social media is an important milestone for businesses and websites. Social networking may seem like a fairly new marvel on the Internet with Twitter and Facebook being the two most popular, but in reality, social is not and never was just devised by these two platforms. Facebook and Twitter were rolled out nearly thirty years after social started on the Internet. Indeed, it was not until 2004 and 2006 when Facebook and Twitter kicked off that social media started to change the world and the way that people communicate online, but the truth is that social media started with email, Usenet, the world wide web, blogs, and AOL instant messenger. The history of the Internet is the history of social networking. Here is The History of Social Media Since 1994
Social Media HistoryThe phenomena of social networking blossomed in 1994 with the creation of Geocities, which allowed its users to set up websites modeled after certain urban areas. At that time, more than 1,500 web servers were online in 1994 and people were referring to the Internet as the Information Superhighway.
These two events signal the dawn of social networking. What do people do with social media?
What is social?
More than half of the human race is under the age of 30. So if you want to have a sense of where the world’s media habits are headed, it makes sense to watch what kids are doing. Reaching customers Social media is the best way to reach your most influential customers, and the only way to reach your most cynical ones. Social media is the crack cocaine of the Internet. We want it, we need it, and we go through withdrawal when we don’t have it. The future of business and social Social media is a way of thinking. It’s not about sales or ads or click-through rates. It’s about pursuing relationships and fostering communities of consumers. Businesses that wish to grow need to rethink their entire business marketing process. Social requires businesses to make plans because with social, customers are at the center and they are in control. Level the playing field Social media is dramatically leveling the playing field and connecting us like never before. So, forget your brand. You don’t own it. You can spend all sorts of time and money trying to manufacture public opinion, but ultimately it’s up to the public. Social media is redefining everything.
The rules of social media are the same as media.
Home on the InternetSocial media is an ongoing conversation on the planet. It’s the source of news, and more often than not, social is the home on the Internet. It’s the home page and the place where most people spend time on the Internet. Social media is the mainstream. It moves the media mouthpiece and constantly distributes it to the hands of the public. Rely on smart and updated POS software and the right people to manage your business operations smoothly while you prepare for the next steps of your business. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more restaurant trends and updates! The History of Social Media Since 1994, The History of Social Media Since 1994. |
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