A point-of-sale system is the central tech hub of your company where you can find sales management (invoices, customer files, reports, etc.), inventory management, and online sales management.

A point of sale makes it possible to centralize part of your store’s operations, secure all your data and make your company management easier thanks to numerous key features, such as inventory control, customer management, cross-sales and more. A POS makes it possible to facilitate  better stock management.

Point-of-sale software should be able to perform the following functions:

  • In-store invoicing
  • Generate detailed sales reports
  • Manage and track inventory
  • Provide information about store performance (reports)
  • Manage customer information

Iconicerp POS fulfils all these functions and much more! Click here to learn more about our features and what Iconicerp POS can do for you.

We have several competitive prices, However, this price may vary depending on your needs and the needs of your company.

For networks and chains, such as franchises, purchasing groups or corporate networks, Iconicerp POS offers a volume discount based on the size of your network and the number of stores that commit to using the software. It is therefore strongly suggested to contact our retail network management experts to discuss your needs and the features necessary for your business.

To learn more about the rates offered by Iconicerp POS, visit our Plan Section.

Point-of-sale software and necessary hardware do not necessarily have to be purchased from the same supplier. Sometimes, the company provides  equipment and installation, while others opt for referring a local service, since local hardware providers offer more services. For example, local service offer local personalized IT services, such as computer and equipment repairs,  hardware support and installation,antivirus solutions, IP telephony and much more!

With Iconicerp POS, it is possible to transfer your important data from your old software to your new software, and we do it for you! The process is simple and secure and is done by our team. Indeed, our experts are here to support you throughout the implementation of your new point-of-sale software. Learn more about our migration process Click here.

Iconicerp POS creates customized sales and employee reports, to name a few, to allow you to track activities within your company. It is therefore possible to analyze customer data using our point-of-sale software.

open a ticket and we will be happy to assist you. To go to our system Click here.

Yes, it is possible to use point-of-sale software from a personal computer if it is online on a platform accessible from anywhere. For Iconicerp POS, it is possible to use the software on a personal, professional or Windows tablet computer.

Iconicerp POS is designed to work with any device even if its Windows or MAC. This can be accessible from any device and from any place.

Feel free to contact our team here to find out more about what Iconicerp POS can do for you.

If you need assistance, you can open a ticket on our support system, and will do our best to reply as soon as possible. Also, you can read many tutorial articles and watch many tutorial videos. To go to our support system, click here.

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Referral Fee Payment

You can transfer you referral money into your bank account or paypal account

You can submit bank details in My account -> Profile section
You can submit paypal details in My account -> Profile section